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Lauren conrad weight loss 2014
(2016) The Medical Cost Attributable to Obesity and Overweight in China: Estimation Based on Longitudinal Surveys. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 68:23, 2505-2507. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113:27, 7316-7322. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 000-000. (2015) A natural experiment of peer influences on youth alcohol use. Nick Street. CrossRef 125 Ayelet Fishbach, Yanping Tu. A total of 45% of the 5124 egos were connected through friendship to another person in the network. (2016) Explanation in causal inference: developments in mediation and interaction. Hence, the reach of the obesity clusters was three degrees. CrossRef 404 B. Marshall, S. CrossRef 147 Clio Andris. (2014) Uncovering peer effects mechanisms with weight outcomes using spatial econometrics. Stephan, G. Mensah. Lehrer, A. (2016) Cases, clusters, densities: Modeling the nonlinear dynamics of complex health trajectories. 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This finding also provides support for the social nature of any induction of obesity, since it seems likely that people are influenced more by those they resemble than by those they do not. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12, 20141128-20141128. 2016. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 12. (2016) Protocol for a randomized controlled trial testing the impact of feedback on familial risk of chronic diseases on family-level intentions to participate in preventive lifestyle behaviors. 2015 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 1-6. CrossRef 243 Kevin Scaman, Argyris Kalogeratos, Nicolas Vayatis. Puterbaugh. (2016) A framework for administrative claim data to explore healthcare coordination and collaboration. (2015) Obesity and health expenditures: Evidence from Australia. Engemann, Anders Levermann. (2016) Environmental Changes to Facilitate Weight Loss. (2015) Proximity and Innovation: From Statics to Dynamics. 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CrossRef 330 Yihui Zhang, Shaoting Tang, Sen Pei, Shu Yan, Shijin Jiang, Zhiming Zheng. 2015 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 663-667. Chen. CrossRef 402 Sameer Kumar. Ryan. Corr, A. (2016) The Effects of Dr. CrossRef 137 Arash Nazeri, Abdolreza Salahi-Moghadam, Ali Reza Khoshdel, Mahtab Noorifard. Husbands and wives appeared to affect each other similarly (44% and 37%, respectively). Skelton, Sabina B. The sensitivity of the results was assessed with multiple additional analyses (see the Supplementary Appendix ). (2014) Examining the role between the residential neighborhood food environment and diet among low-income households in Detroit, Michigan. This observation also points to the specifically social nature of these associations, since the asymmetry in the process may arise from the fact that the person who identifies another person as a friend esteems the other person. CrossRef 436 Chunyoung Oh, Masud M A. 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CrossRef 44 Paul McNamee, Elizabeth Murray, Michael P. (2016) Your Health Buddies Matter: Preferential Selection and Social Influence on Weight Management in an Online Health Social Network. We included only persons older than 21 years of age at any observation point and subsequently. Craig. CrossRef 270 Ashton M. CrossRef 431 Ginger Winston, Erica Phillips, Elaine Wethington, Martin Wells, Carol M. CrossRef 271 Jeffrey Braithwaite. Duncan. Moller, R. M. 2015. CrossRef 274 Bartosz Niemczura, Bogdan Gliwa, Anna Zygmunt. Kosmidis, Mary Yannakoulia. (2015) Perceptions of overweight in US and global cultures. Hammond, Joseph T. The sex of the ego and alter also appeared to be important. 5 ties per ego (not including neighbors). 2016. Waterson, Scott D. CrossRef 441 P. (2015) Think locally, act locally: Detection of small, medium-sized, and large communities in large networks. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12, 20140686-20140686. Benefits of recruiting participants with friends and increasing social support for weight loss and maintenance. R. S. Tu. (2015) Associations of Neighborhood and School Socioeconomic and Social Contexts With Body Mass Index Among Urban Preadolescent Students. (2015) Characterizing Social Interaction in Tobacco-Oriented Social Networks: An Empirical Analysis. Blackstone. CrossRef 106 Xinyue Ye, Jay Lee. This information was derived from archived, handwritten administrative tracking sheets that had been used since 1971 to identify people close to the study participants to facilitate follow-up. (2015) Occupational conditions, self-care, and obesity among clergy in the United States. (2015) Network Effects of International Shocks and Spillovers. Conceptualizing Ecobiosocial Interactions. CrossRef 261 Michael P. Corriere, W. C. Porter, James P. CrossRef 214 Lesley Wood, Russell Jago, Simon J. CrossRef 299 Bernard Fortin, Myra Yazbeck. (2016) Intimate partner violence norms cluster within households: an observational social network study in rural Honduras. Behrman. No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. (2015) Implementing a social network intervention designed to enhance and diversify support for people with long-term conditions. Synthese. (2015) Friends or foes: Group influence effects on moderate drinking behaviors. CrossRef 428 Alexei Kireyev,, Andrei Leonidov,. CrossRef 39 Rachel Isba, Katherine Woolf, Robert Hanneman. Behavioral Nudges and Consumer Technology. Vitolins. Dubbert, Sharon B. CrossRef 239 Akihiro Nishi. Holloway. CrossRef 295 Weihua An, Long Doan. Fariss, Moira Burke, James H. Muscariello, B. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12, 11621-11639. (2014) A model of social influence on body mass index. (2016) A Framework for Developing the Structure of Public Health Economic Models. (2016) Social support and self-management capabilities in diabetes patients: An international observational study. Pronk, K. (2016) An agent-based model of social networks for evaluating asthma control interventions on reducing the emergency department visits. Social Networks Across Common Cancer Types: The Evidence, Gaps, and Areas of Potential Impact. (2016) Discovering internal social relationship for influence-aware service recommendation. (2015) Constructing, conducting and interpreting animal social network analysis. Porter, Darren Schreiber, Richard Suzman, and Alan Zaslavsky for helpful comments. (2016) Stigma and the etiology of depression among the obese: An agent-based exploration. Leung. 26 Liang K-Y, Zeger SL. Laranjo. Porter, Ying Huang. (2015) Substance Use Homophily Among Geosocial Networking Application Using Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men. Gillen. Li, Y. CrossRef 322 Suraj Sarvode Mothi, Neeraj Tandon, Jaya Padmanabhan, Ian T. M. Gleeson. 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These effects were not seen among neighbors in the immediate geographic location. CrossRef 182 Max Crowley, Lawrie C. M. e9. (2015) Misperception of Peer Weight Norms and Its Association with Overweight and Underweight Status Among Adolescents. CrossRef 439 Meng Wang, Yanqing Yi, Barbara Roebothan, Jennifer Colbourne, Victor Maddalena, Peizhong Peter Wang, Guang Sun. CrossRef 46 Siyun Wang, Daniel Weller, Justin Falardeau, Laura K. Christakis. Siervo. (2016) Cultural competence and social relationships: a social network analysis. Look Back on 15 Gorgeous Lauren Conrad Wedding Pictures. CrossRef 154 Irem Koprulu, Yoora Kim, Ness B. CrossRef 184 Konstantin Avrachenkov, Giovanni Neglia, Alina Tuholukova. Claire Wang, Andrew Rundle, Bruce G. Timothy Garvey, Samuel Klein, F. CrossRef 363 Sang Yup Lee. , genes) that cause them to gain or lose weight simultaneously, our observations suggest an important role for a process involving the induction and person-to-person spread of obesity. Since diverse phenomena can spread within social networks, 6-10 we conducted a study to determine whether obesity might also spread from person to person, possibly contributing to the epidemic, and if so, how the spread might occur. (2016) Eliciting data on social relationships: The use of hand-drawn network maps in tracing the perception of digitally mediated social ties. (2015) Feasibility and Initial Efficacy Evaluation of a Community-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Excessive Weight Gain During Pregnancy in Latina Women. Harton. Pellegrini, M. 2016. Gesell. L. Among pairs of adult siblings, if one sibling became obese, the chance that the other would become obese increased by 40% (95% CI, 21 to 60). Yen. Yan, L. Hornsby, Matthew Rutherford, Richard G. (2015) Fructose:Glucose Ratios—A Study of Sugar Self-Administration and Associated Neural and Physiological Responses in the Rat. Smoller, Nicholas A. Lefkowitz, Carrie A. (2015) Two-step estimation of network-formation models with incomplete information. (2016) Early social science research about Big Data. (2016) Ontology-based deep learning for human behavior prediction with explanations in health social networks. CrossRef 191 Xiang Zuo, Jeremy Blackburn, Nicolas Kourtellis, John Skvoretz, Adriana Iamnitchi. K. CrossRef 179 Tetsuya Maeshiro, Midori Maeshiro. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 45:2, 419-431. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 21:4, 499-512. CrossRef 110 Lily Lin, Brent McFerran. Fried. Sullivan, Katherine D. Sciamanna. (2016) Polio vaccine hesitancy in the networks and neighborhoods of Malegaon, India. (2015) An opinion-driven behavioral dynamics model for addictive behaviors. CrossRef 85 Nhathai Phan, Javid Ebrahimi, David Kil, Brigitte Piniewski, Dejing Dou. CrossRef 257 Natalie Kerracher, Jessie Kennedy, Kevin Chalmers. (2014) The effect of friend selection on social influences in obesity. An obesity-associated gut microbiome with increased capacity for energy harvest. 2016. summarizes the associations. (2015) The Other 23 Hours: A Qualitative Study of Fitness Provider Perspectives on Social Support for Health Promotion for Adults with Mental Illness. CrossRef 6 Olga Yakusheva. Pomeranz. CrossRef 212 Myoungje Choi, Dong-Woo Lee, Maeng Je Cho, Jee Eun Park, Minsook Gim. CrossRef 47 Elena Carrillo Alvarez, Ichiro Kawachi, Jordi Riera Romani. (2015) Association between Organ Procurement Organization Social Network Centrality and Kidney Discard and Transplant Outcomes. Darzi. All the celebrity news, candids, and red carpet photos delivered daily. Overall, there were 38,611 observed social and family ties to the 5124 egos, yielding an average of 7. Yang, G. Decision Economics, In Commemoration of the Birth Centennial of Herbert A. (2015) Assessment of Contamination and Misclassification Biases in a Randomized Controlled Trial of a Social Network Peer Education Intervention to Reduce HIV risk Behaviors Among Drug Users and Risk Partners in Philadelphia, PA and Chiang Mai, Thailand. Media in This Article Animation Obesity In A Large Social Network. P. (2015) A Task Taxonomy for Temporal Graph Visualisation. CrossRef 260 Yating Chuang, Laura Schechter. CrossRef 390 Phyllis Moen, Anne Kaduk, Ellen Ernst Kossek, Leslie Hammer, Orfeu M. (2015) How individual characteristics shape the structure of social networks. 2015. (2015) Seeking and receiving social support on Facebook for surgery. (2016) Weight-centrism in psychology: Implications and new directions from the field of fat studies. CrossRef 168 Wei Wang, Ming Tang, Panpan Shu, Zhen Wang. Barnett, Anne Mathews, Jamie Pomeranz, Barbara Curbow. 2015. William Tell Celebrity Couples Celebrity Weddings Lauren Conrad Wedding. S. 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